The ability to “read” people is an art that requires serious preparation and constant practice. To understand the language of the body in order to see the true feelings, thoughts and intentions of others, the advice of the former FBI agent Joe Navarro will help.

Joe Navarro, former FBI agent and expert in the field of non -verbal communication. Life circumstances attracted the author’s body language: his family was sent from Cuba and moved to the United States, where an 8-year-old boy did not know English, learning to communicate with gestures. Work experience in the FSB helped Navarro supplement the knowledge of the body language. Joe Navarro shared his experience in the book “I see what you are thinking” (Storri, 2012). The material was created with information

support for SmartReading. Complete Sammari can be read here .

Detecting a lie is extremely difficult. The effectiveness of judges, police officers, FBI agents, teachers, parents and spouses in this case does not exceed the level of ordinary fortune telling (fifty to fifty). Even those who really have pronounced abilities to recognize deception are rarely right in 60% of cases. According to the well -known researcher, Ekman Paul Ecman’s emotions, the signals, which we most often take as signs of fraud, are mostly not talking about lies, but about stress. There is no element of behavior that would definitely testify to deception. The model of identification of dishonest behavior, developed by Joe Navarro, a former FBI agent and an expert in the field of non-verbal communication, is to find out how comfortable a person feels: you must agree, it is difficult to remain calm when you hide something.

Signs of comfort and discomfort

However, weak visual contact or its complete absence cannot be considered proof of lies: in real life, scammers and born liars use eye contact much more active than most ordinary people, and literally glance at you with a look. The voice of a person who speaks a lie can become trembling or cracked. Stress is able to cause dry throat and provoke involuntary swallowing movements. This condition can be determined by the sudden sharp movements of Adam’s apple and attempts to clean the throat. Nevertheless, these elements of behavior are just discomfort indicators, and not evidence of fraud.

“Learn a liar in the expression”

Continuation of the bestseller “Psychology of Lie” Paul Ekman. The Treasury Book is conceived as a manual to drop other people’s masks, but also helps those who want to learn how to better hide their own feelings.

What else helps to see the deception?

Such characteristics as consistency and expressiveness of speech and behavior are also indicators of lies: if the interlocutor does not conceal anything, then he calmly and consistently sets out his version, accompanying speech with natural gestures.

For more details see. In the book by J. Navarro, m. Carlins “I see what you think” (Potyrri, 2012). This and other submarines of useful books Read on the site Smartreading

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